Role Models

Do kids growing up today see truth in a

completely different way

than their elders did, many years ago?

If they're always on the Internet, where both

truth and lies abound,

how do they tell the difference? Do you know?

Our concept of truth seems to have changed in

so many ways.

We don't seem to value it nearly

as much these days,

even if it's foremost on our mind.

If our leaders and politicians are liars,

and many parents are on opioids or wired,

what kind of role models do children find?


Is it true what they say, that there's no truth today?

What's true for me may not be true for you,

and truthfully, you may think something like that too.

We were taught to be honest since childhood, our youth,

but now it seems there are several degrees of truth.

I say my truth is relevant to all facts,

and you say it's relevant to none,

but our neighbor Jim, don't forget about him,

he says some of the truth is partly relevant to some.

Most people lie some of the time,

and some people lie most of the time,

while certain politicians lie all of the time.

If some politicians don't tell lies, or maybe they tell just a few,

if we can't judge what the truth is,

how will we know what is true?


There was a time, forty or fifty years ago,

when the worst thing that could happen

was to be caught in a lie.

Now, we don't seem to care at all,

and you have to wonder why.

It used to be the biggest liar

was the guy trying to sell a used car,

but now, we expect everyone to lie;

adults, children, the elderly,

on the Internet, at work, at home,

no matter who or where you are.

So you'll lie to me and I'll lie to you,

whether we're selling something or buying,

or just chatting, like friends and neighbors do,

we know none of the words will ring true,

because, by God, everyone's lying.