All quotes at the beginnings of poems are attributed to the writings of Adolf Hitler


I use emotion for the many, and reserve reason for the few

Do you want to be a dictator?

Do what Hitler did. Get the people excited

at rallies and such. Get them clapping, stomping,

and shouting out loud. It'll look like

they're showing you more love in a crowd.


If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Tell your people a big lie or two,

and make sure that lie fits into your overall plan

of gains you want to make in the future, so

make that lie as big and convoluted

as you can.

It's not like you're telling someone something

in the hope that they will be deceived,

but if you keep telling that lie over and over

and over again, sooner or later

it will be believed.

More Lies

The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one.”

You can control the opposition with more lies.

Does it matter which lie you're telling?

Not as long as you have control of the crowd,

and they're cheering and stomping and yelling,

and it makes you feel so damned proud!

You smile as they stomp and cheer.

You've got them in the palm of your hand!

There's a glint in your eyes because

they've accepted all your lies and

you're the most popular person in the land!

Even More Lies

It is not truth that matters, but victory.”

You'll get the people on your side

if the lie is big enough,

and you're standing there speaking,

looking happy, sounding loud.

There's no reason to care whether

a statement is true or not,

when it's winning that makes you feel proud.


Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.”

You have an alliance behind a treaty, you say

with countries you're obliged to defend.

Hitler said unless those countries will help you wage war,

you must ask why you are defending them for?

Certainly not just to be a friend!

Some would say that using your time, money and weapons

in their defense, is an admirable thing to do,

but Hitler would say that unless you're profiting up front

don't bother defending those countries

unless they're big enough to bother with you.


The first essential for success is a perpetually

constant and regular employment of violence

Make sure you do all sorts of things

to show how divided we are.

We've had racial problems before, so

include the violent element at each demonstration,

and people will begin to align themselves

with one faction or the other

as racial intolerance and violence

sweep across the nation.


and in certain circles, honesty is taken as an index of stupidity

When a victory comes, make sure it's your victory;

it happened, and you're the reason why.

Make sure you brag and boast about your accomplishments.

Tell them how great you are,

how intelligent you are. Don't be shy!

Tell them you did it all by yourself,

and make sure you smile.

Then tell them you did it all for them,

they make you proud, and they

make you walk the extra mile.

With each victory you have,

make sure to give credit

right where credit is due,

and that means taking care to pile all the praise

right on top of little old you!

You can do this well, if you try,

and remember that you never need

to tell the truth,

as long as the actions you talk about

sound great in a lie.


Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong

Hitler is saying be careful which side

of an argument you choose;

you want to be perceived as a winner,

and you never want people to think you could lose.

For people to ally with you,

your words must just be popular;

they need not be true.


Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice

Did Hitler mean that only those who are ignorant and fearful

can be humanitarian and humane?

Was he also saying that only those without empathy

can be evil enough to go far in the world,

to make gains?

We must choose on which side of the spectrum

we wish our leaders to fall.

Shall they be evil, benefiting only themselves

and their kind,

or humanitarian, benefiting us all?


The leader of genius must have the ability to make different

opponents appear as if they belong to one category

If you want to become a dictator, make sure

to attribute every thing that's being done against you

to one group; the other party might work well.

They are the ones causing you trouble,

so blame them for each and every mess,

except, of course, on those special occasions,

when you need to blame the press.


to conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens

You want to be a dictator. If you do this right,

the people will be so upset with all the violence

that they will say-they will DEMAND-

that you take their guns away.

Act apologetic, as if it's the one thing you really

hate doing, so when the guns are gone,

and it's all over and done,

you can pat yourself on the shoulder.

You're a dictator now;

the game has finally been won!