April 11, 2023 Sally’s Birthday- I spent the last week finding old notebooks and transcribing the handwritten poems that Sally wrote and did not have the chance to put them on her site. Some have frequent hand editing she did. She never dated her work, but as near as I can tell the poems I transcribed were probably written in 2018. These will be in the 2023 “Poem Subjects” section. Please enjoy life!

Jan 10, 2023 - Its been 3 years and in some cases seems like just a few days. I have added 8 poems from her notebooks. I hope her thoughts add to your new year - john

April 4, 2022 Sally’s birthday is April 11, 2022 I have added 12 older poems see New Poems 2022. One of them particularly brought tears to my eyes. The poem MEXICO. This is the first time I discovered it in her writings and it is about the time we first visited Ensenada, Mexico in early 1969 just before we were married. The sweet pastries were from a Panderia below us in town. I hope you will enjoy the variety of these latest additions, I certainly did. I am now writing from Kerrville, TX where the family moved last year, including my dog Ginger (going on 13 years old) and our youngest twin daughters. Bless all of you , -John

Dec 9, 2021 Getting Close to Christmas - I found 11 more poems, written way back in 1995 and here they at the end of new posts for 2021 -John

Sep 11, 2021 A day for Memories. Well I finally got around to more review of Sally’s notebooks and came up with 5 poems that I was preparing for the April 2021 time frame. Things got busy, I sold the house we had lived in since 1999 and bought one in the Hill Country in Texas and moved there with our youngest set of twins. That was mid-June. Well here are the 5 older poems that Sally wrote. I started another category poems added in 2021. There will be more. -John

Dec 31, 2020 It has been one year since I last saw and talked to Sally. I am not a poet, but I was compelled to write this poem.


(12/31/2019 - 12/31/2020)

Five hundred twenty five thousand

six hundred minutes since we said

I love you to each other

Missing you Sally

We had dinner together

We talked, laughed and hugged

Missing you Sally

We said “goodnight” not knowing

It was really “goodbye”

I know you’re in God’s Hands now

Missing you Sally

I’ll be OK left here with our twins

All of us every minute

Missing you Sally


Dec 19, 2020 MERRY CHRISTMAS (john) I have added 13 poems to Sally’s Site under the New Posts 2020. Still working on her unpublished poems. I have added the date I believe she wrote them. Hope you all have great holidays ahead and that 2021 is much better than 2020 !

Aug 23, 2020 (john) Well I have added 8 poems to Sally’s site under new posts 2020. The added poems were written from 2 years ago up through Feb of 2019. She had them all set in a folder just after the ones she managed to get onto the site. I will add the date with each poem to help keep history straight. The ones she had published were written January through December 2019. There are a lot more and I will add them when I can. Please enjoy reading them as I have. - John

July 12, 2020 (john) Well I have added 5 poems to Sally’s site under new posts 2020. The added poems were written from 2 years ago up to Feb of 2019. She had them all set in a folder just after the ones she managed to get onto the site. I will add the date with each poem to help keep history straight. The ones she had published were written January through December 2019. There are a lot more and I will add them when I can. Please enjoy reading them as I have. - John

July 4, 2020 (john) In Dec 2019, Sally made her husband John promise to keep this website up and running. She also made him promise to keep her Genealogy work going. He has been overwhelmed with the amount of work that Sally was doing both with this site and with her Genealogy research. Sally has many unpublished poems. The ones currently on the site were ones she felt she need to publish as soon as possible. She has hand written notebooks with lots of poems and I will add them to this site. The first 2 to be added are ones she wrote in December when she new she had limited time to live. I had previously sent them out to friends and family with her Obit. The first one written in early December is OLD AGE. The final poem sally wrote on Dec 27th 2019 FINAL

Jan 1, 2020 Sally died this morning at 5 am. She is survived by twins, John and Sarah, and by her 2nd set of twins, Kate and Molly, and by her husband John. John promised Sally in December that he would keep her site up and running.

August 2019

Hitler Quotes page of poems added.

March 2019

Hello. My name is Sally Howard, and I wrote the poems on this website. I am 70+ years old and have been writing poetry on and off for most of my life. I decided to build this website to display a few of my poems, in the hope that others might possibly enjoy reading them.

I call this site Now Poems, because it is my hope that some of them may be relevant to what is going on in our world today. My poems can be humorous or serious. The ones in the category "Planet" are mostly concerned with how we are killing our planet, so they are all fairly serious. The ones in the "DNA" heading are of a more humorous nature. In most categories, the more serious poems tend to be farther down the page.